Gen Z Wants Employers To ‘Be The Change’

Generation Z, commonly known as Gen Z, is the first age group who can look up baby pictures of themselves on Facebook. Born between 1997 and 2012, they came of age watching their parents navigate the financial crisis and had their education or entrance into the job market disrupted by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

The youngest cohort in today’s workplace, Gen Z, views no distinction between life online and offline life. In the US, they are the most disruptive generation ever and are pushing the hardest for equality for all genders, races, and sexual orientations. People in this age group value companies that practice what they preach in terms of their commitment to environmental stewardship, diverse representation in leadership, and equitable, socially-conscious business practices. 

Because many Gen Z had an online presence since birth (or even before they were born), they’ve adapted and gained a natural talent for social media engagement. They know when companies falsely advocate for diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and when they are genuine. Luckily, PQE Group has these values built into the foundation of our business.

At PQE Group, we’re attracting Gen Z talent to join our 2,000 employees representing over 45 different nationalities at our 40 offices worldwide because we want to change the perception of the pharmaceutical industry. Our mission is to facilitate equality while working directly with communities all over the world to provide clean water and sanitation, good health and well-being, and reduced inequalities. 

We seek to create an environment with no discrimination in relation to sex, age, religion, or culture. We recognize how diversity and talent development go hand in hand and can be a great added value to business models at all levels – which aligns exactly with what younger generations of talent pools are searching for. 

As the first generation to grow up in a world where information has always been at their fingertips, Gen Z understands the importance of their words and online presence. Digital actions have tangible consequences, and people can often be held accountable by a globally connected jury of their peers. They are also acutely aware of the effects of carbon-driven climate change and are the most sustainable generation in terms of their purchasing decisions. 

Our global team’s commitment to sustainability efforts, DEI, and good corporate governance is reflected in our company’s policies and practiced on an international scale. We foster environments that respect cultural diversity,  gender equality, and all efforts to build increasingly healthy and united communities. 

Gen Z strongly supports brands that emphasize inclusive and sustainable values over ones that don’t, making PQE Group a top contender for new talent. Companies who want to attract the brightest individuals of younger generations must keep all of this in mind. Sustainability, inclusivity, equity, authenticity, and social responsibility are key!